Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summertime is gone!!!

Well I was not a good blogger this summer. Just had a lot going on and with the kids home I really did not have the time to think:) We had a great summer with many memories that I will never forget!!! I am so blessed to be able to stay home and be with the kids while they are out.

The kids are glad to be back in school and love it. Bailee is in 3rd grade and Brayden is in Kindergarten!!!

Brayden is having a hard time adjusting the the long school day. They are allowing him as many breaks as he needs. He crashes in the afternoon. I hope he gets use to it! We have increased his meds. but I see no difference.

Bailee has started softball and is doing great. Brayden will play ball in the spring. This weekend we went to the zoo and had a great time. It was a nice, not to hot day:) Brayden's favorite animal is the gorillas. Bailee's was the red panda!!

Well hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

SUMMERTIME is here:)

The kids are out of school, days at the pool have begun, staying up late and just living life to the fulliest:) That is what we are doing here!!

We are all doing good! Our schedule this summer is busy. Therapy, vacation, and just hanging with friends. The kids will be leaving to go to Fla. on Sunday. They are super excited! We will then be leaving in a couple of weeks to go to my Dad's in Colorado.

Brayden started swimming lessons and he is doing AWESOME!!! Check this out.....

Yep, he is swimming with not flotation, even jumping off the diving board all by himself.!! We are so proud of him:) If you know him, you know he has been VERY attached to his swim vest. He decided to "give it up" the other day!! This is a HUGE step.

Bailee is loving being able to stay up late and have friends sleepover. The girl is such a social butterfly:)

I hope all of you are enjoying your summer. I will update again soon:)

Celebrate Summer - Sun drenched days and starlit nights...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Life is so busy.....

Jimmy and I had a great week last week at the beach. We were able to reflect on our last 10 years of marriage. The good times and we even talked about the bad!! It is just reality that we all have "our times"!! A HUGE THANK YOU goes to Mom for watching the kids while we were gone.

We walked the beach everyday, ate out every night and just enjoyed every minute of our time.

We celebrated Mother's Day Sunday when we returned home. The kids had gotten me 2 beautiful hanging baskets and 2 ferns for my porch:) They were so excited to for me to see what they had also made me at school. I felt very loved:) Motherhood is a gift. It's sometimes difficult to realize how much of a gift this title of mother entails as you are breaking up sibling spats, cleaning up messes, and washing copious amount of dishes and clothes...but right there, circling around your feet, are little eyes watching your every move. Right there are miniature people looking up for guidance and direction in this big world, and God has given us the ability to instruct and help these precious children through this life. Motherhood is indeed an incredible that we should never take lightly. I LOVE being a MOMMY to my sweet Bailee and Brayden:)

This week I have been playing catch-up from being gone last week. Kids have had school events, ball games, therapy and Brayden had his neuropsy. testing for the study for Cognitive Function of Children with Oxidative Phosphorylation Disease (Mito). I will update caringbridge more on this.

Thanks for checking in on us! O hope to update again soon!

Have a great weekend♥

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well I have not been a very good blogger lately:/ This time of the year is so crazy that I have a hard time finding time to blog! So, I will go over the last month or so briefly!

Things are going good. We had a great easter:) The kids looked so cute and really enjoyed all the festivities!!

Bailee had First Communion last weekend and that went great. We are so proud of her and how much she has grown in her faith over the past 2 years.

Well this weekend has been an adventure! We ended up at CHOA Saturday night with Brayden because he got hit in the mouth with a metal bat. I heard it and saw it and it was so scary. When you hear a "POP" never a good thing! All in all he was such a trooper. he does have 2 teeth that may not make it. We will go see the dentist tomorrow to see what need to be done.

Jimmy and I leave Tuesday for Hilton Head. We are celebrating 10 years of marriage!!!!!!!! We are looking so forward to this trip. We will be home Sunday night. Thanks for checking in on us! Hope you have a great week:)

Friday, March 26, 2010

I have been so bad about updating:/ Sorry!! This little chick has been sick for about 2 weeks now:( Been trying to keep up with the kids schedule and get a little rest in there here and there!!

Kids are good. Bailee has been doing GREAT with softball. We are so proud of her. She is truly a great little athlete. Brayden has been doing well too. The past few weeks he has been extra and been taking a nap in the afternoon. I allow him to sleep for about an hour then I have to do the dreaded wake-up. Not fun!! Last week I had a follow-up and lab appt. with Brayden's Neurogenetic doctor. COQ10 levels are STILL NOT where they need to be, but they are getting there! So we were bumped up to 1800mg a day. There were several variants in his mitochondria DNA but they do not feel this is where the disease is coming from. Brayden has a nuclear gene mutation that code for mitochondrial components. Nuclear DNA has 2 copies per cell one from mother and one from mother. As technology gets better, they will be able to find just exactly where in the nuclear gene this is. Again does not change anything with Brayden. I see progress in Brayden everyday. He is such a blessing to us. We still are working with behavior counselor and this is going good.

Today I had his IEP for his transition into Kindergarten. Yes, my "baby" will be in Kindergarten next year:/ It is bitter sweet! He has made great strides this year! I look forward to many more. We are looking forward to Spring Break! We had plans to go to Fla. to visit Jimmy's parents but not sure f we will be going or not. Reason being.... Jimmy and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary this year and we are taking a trip the first week of May! I have some prayer request that I would like you to send up for me. Our little friend Abigail is having a MRI on Monday pray for guidance as she undergoes her MRI. Our neighbors little girl was dx with cancer and this family needs prayer. As always please also remember all the other children fighting "their" fight. We have a lot of very strong fighters out there. Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow:) My baby is 5 today. We have had a very busy last couple of weeks. I am sorry for the lack of updates:) I have meant to update several times but just did not! We celebrated this weekend at Chuck-E-Cheese. What fun that was!!!

My little rocker dude had a great time playing and celebrating with all his friends! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! He was so into his birthday this year it was awesome. Birthday's mean a lot to our family. It is truly a blessing to have two wonderful kids.

Bailee starts softball Saturday and this will be our life for the next couple of months! I enjoy watching her play. Brayden is not playing this year but will play again in the fall. I am also in the process of trying to get him guitar lessons!!! That is part of his birthday present!!! He is so excited!

Life is really busy right now but we do stop all the time a thank the man above for all he has given us. Both the kids continue to do great in school. Bailee loves every minute of school. Brayden, well he is ok to go and ok to be home:) I have decided to continue caringbridge but just update when there is medical news, etc. I have had some request to continue caringbridge because it is easier to access.

That is about all for now! Hope all of you are having a great week. Thanks for checking in on us!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today is Rare Disease Awareness Day. Mitochondrial Disease is considered a rare disease. Please make yourself aware of what this disease is and does to many children. 70% of those identified with mito are children under the age of 5 and every 30 minutes a child is born that will develop a mitochondrial disease by age 10. Please become AWARE!! Awareness is the key to find a cure.

All in all we are good. Had another busy weekend. The next two weeks we will be going to some of our yearly appts. Monday is our usual therapy day. Tuesday we will see the cardiologist. Wednesday is when we see the behavioral counselor. This so far is going good. We are taking baby steps in the right direction. They following week we will have 5 year appt with ped, urologist, and genetics. I have been trying to research camps for Brayden this summer. Bailee will also be doing some camps. Little more difficult to find them that he can attend.

Along my journey of the last 2 years, I have met some AMAZING people. I have so many people I can call on if I need a little advice, need to vent or just to chat. I could not make it without my wonderful friends. Thanks you, Thank you♥

I hope you all have a great week! On May 23 I will be doing "Walk Now For Autism" Please check out my page. Thanks you to those who have already donated to this walk.